(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday)
Christchurch G.A.
7:30 PM
Oasis Centre
126 Bealey Avenue
Christchurch, N.Z. (South Island)
Wellington G.A.
7:30 PM
Life Point Church
61 Hopper Street
Mount Cook
Wellington, N.Z. (North Island)
Auckland Central G.A.
7:30 PM
Maranatha House
1 Pollen Street
Grey Lynn
Auckland, N.Z. (North Island)Christchurch G.A.
7:00 PM
Oasis Centre
126 Bealey Avenue
Christchurch, N.Z. (South Island)
Step Meeting
Hamilton G.A.
7:30 PM
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Palmerston Street
Hamilton, N.Z. (North Island)Oamaru G.A.
7:00 PM
Aftercare Trust
153 Thames Street, BNZ Bldg.
Oamaru, N.Z. (South Island)
Invercargill G.A.
7:30 PM
Graeme Cockcroft Cycle Park
Onslow Street
Invercargill, N.Z. (South Island)
Tauranga G.A.
7:00 PM
Historic Village
17th Avenue
Tauranga, N.Z. (North Island)
Thames G.A.
7:00 PM
102 Sealy Street
Thames, N.Z. (North Island)
Auckland North Shore G.A.
8:15 PM
Mairangi Bay Catholic Church
87 Hastings Road
Auckland, N.Z. (North Island)
Christchurch G.A.
7:00 PM
100 Chester Street East
Christchurch, N.Z. (South Island)
Hastings G.A.
7:30 PM
Flaxmere Community Centre Rooms
8 Swansea Road
Flaxmere, N.Z.
Christchurch G.A.
7:00 PM
Oasis Centre
126 Bealey Avenue
Christchurch, N.Z. (North Island)
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